BREATH 24/7 After Care
Welcome to Breath 24/7s Initial After Care Service.
Personally I met with every type of healer and therapist imaginable when i began my journey into the world of personal development. Very few offered any After-Care in the form of books or suggestions to tools and apps that would allow me to understand the science behind the method or to practice it from home. It lead me to feeling dependent on receiving more therapy and it goes against my personal philosophy when it comes to healing.
Its my firm belief that you need to "become your own doctor" and heal yourself and completing "The Circuit" and figuring out the perfect combination of healing modalities that suits you as an individual. Part of the process includes studying up and understanding the science and theory behind the healers practice or the healing modalities that your are experimenting with. We at Breath 24/7 have tremendous practical experience and theoretical knowledge on subjects including yet not limited to:
-Cold Exposure
-Lucid Dreaming
-Tribal Medicines (DMT)
-Martial Arts
-Visualisation - Mind Movies
-Practising Gratitude/Manifestation
Its one thing to experience the incredible energy boost and heightened senses you gain from a successful water fast or the full body vibration you may feel from Breathwork yet its a totally different experience and far more powerful and enjoyable if you understand the basic science behind what is happening to your body and mind during these experiences.
Fortunately we live in the Age of Information and literally everything we need to understand the new laws of the universe is out there in the form of books, podcasts and documentaries that fortunately also tend to come with an app and "how to use" video.
With that in mind its our mission to create an Online Space where "each and everyone of us" can share our stories of personal development and the content we consume that helps us get from you get from one great realisation or break through moment to the next. Then we can share it with the "breath247group" and create something truly special in the world of personal development. We can create a One Stop Shop for life enhancement and healing that runs 24/7.
So we hope the Intro Packs and After Session Packs we supply to Members and the content we post online works as a guiding light as you journey down the Rabbit Hole and that this is just the beginning of something truly special for us all.
Part of our mission at Breath 24/7 is to produce Info Bundles on all of the above topics and the truth is we need your help. It’s now beyond doubt that we as a group are attracting very bright and uniquely talented individuals (our art wall proves it) and many of you have more knowledge and experience in certain fields then anyone person could ever hope to gain. With that in mind we truly hope that you feel inspired to help contribute to the Info Bundles by sharing your story with us and by supplying us with links to gifted healers, books, apps, podcasts and retreats that you think would help us grow the After Care Service into something truly world changing. We want to create a “one stop shop” for healing and life enhancement that will work as a guiding light for anyone and everyone who is on the path of personal development. So please do feel free to reach out to us anytime with your content suggestions and story’s of personal development that we can then add to the existing content.
Any content you donate to us that we share with the group will be compensated in the form of FREE Sessions.
Let’s grow and evolve together !