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"Master Advanced Breathwork & Meditation Techniques in a day." 



Do you want to become a breathwork facilitator?

It seems like everyone interested in the world of personal development is ready to become a Breathwork Facilitator/ Instructor with many influential characters believing “breathwork will become the next yoga”


Personally, I think it will be much bigger than yoga and find it hard to imagine a future reality in which the whole world hasn’t woken up to the health benefits of Conscious Breathing & the incredibly powerful, life enhancing and magical affects of Breathwork. 


There are scientifically proven breathing techniques that: 



  • ​ Wake you up 

  • Switch off the mind

  • Increase your CO2 tolerance

  • Remove cortisol 

  • Ease physical pain 

  • Create altered states 









  • Make you fall asleep

  • Increase lung capacity

  • Get rid of hang overs

  • Affect your brain waves

  • Ease psychological pain

  • Release DMT 


What Breathing Techniques do you want to teach?


Facilitator pathways​

Would you like to join the hordes of “trauma release specialists” and spend your days hearing people scream and shout as they relive and hopefully release trauma? 


Alternatively you can become a “Wim Hoffer” or “Re-birther” and practice the exact same technique over and over again regardless of the individual clients personal needs and requirement's. 


Or maybe you could focus on Respiratory Retraining and begin restoring perfect respiratory health in order to ease of the symptoms of sleep disorders, anxiety , depression and PTSD whilst dramatically enhancing lung capacity and sports performance? 

You could make life very interesting and begin practicing techniques that create altered states of reality, spiritual encounters and out of body experiences. 


"What kind of Breathwork Facilitator would you like to become?"


Or would you like to become a Breath 24/7 Facilitator and learn about, all of the above allowing you to create a practice that is tailored for your future clients wants and needs. This way you can spread joy for a living and deliver a truly educational and life changing Breathwork Session that has a direct and positive impact on people.


Here are some of our favourite techniques to teach and what you'll learn in a Breath 24/7 Facilitator Training: 

  • Heart Coherence 

  • Lions Breath 

  • Breath of Fire · Wim Hof Method · Rebirthing 

  •  Holotropic 

  • Yogic Breathing 

  • The Breath 24/7 Method (combination of 6 techniques)

  • The Breath 24/7 DMT Method

  • The Breath 24/7 Respiratory Retraining Method



My Experience â€‹


Personally, I have worked with countless Breathwork Instructors and on occasions I have been truly shocked at their lack of understanding of the very techniques they are teaching. I've also completed several Breathwork Courses and on the most part been shocked at how easy it is to earn a Breathwork Qualification. 


It seems to be very rare to find professionals that have both practical experience and theoretical knowledge on the techniques they teach. So when working with Breath 24/7 at some point you will have to make a choice. You will have to decide which kind of Breathwork Facilitator you want to be on your own or you can choose to “Complete the Circuit” and become a Breath 24/7 Facilitator. 

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Completing The Circuit = Gaining both Practical Experience and Theoretical Knowledge in all the individual breathing techniques we teach and experimenting with the various natural healing modalities we promote.


This includes yet is not limited too:​​

  • Fasting 

  • Affirmations 

  • Sungazing 

  • Grounding/Earthing Martial Arts 

  • Lucid Dreaming 

  • Cold Exposure 

  • DMT and Tribal Medicines Yoga 

  • Shamanism​


By Completing the Circuit you can qualify yourself to become a facilitator of true value. When you meet a new client you can quickly identify the best Breathwork Techniques and healing modalities to suggest. You can then go one step further and introduce them to the books, documentary's and podcasts that inspired you when you were sitting in their position.

Becoming A Breath 24/7 Facilitator


So if you decide you want to become a Breath 24/7 Facilitator you
will be encouraged to practice each technique at least twice in a
Private Session. You must also read at least one book and watch at
least one documentary on each technique and to practice it from
home. You will also be encouraged to begin to make
experimentation with the healing modalities part of you day to day
routine and practice sungazing, grounding , affirmations etc. You
would also be expected to complete the Breath 24/7 Respiratory
Retraining Programme and make enhancing your own respiratory
health part of your routine as you take the necessary steps towards
becoming an elite Breathwork Facilitator/ Spiritual Guide.

This way , in time you will have the experience, knowledge and
resources to walk into any room and teach any group of people with
100% confidence in your ability.


12 Sessions + Facilitating Training

 Without accommodation - THB 44,000
($1,190 / £1,012 / EUR 1,170)


With Accommodation and open access:
Plus THB 700 per day


What’s Included ?

  • 12 Private Sessions (One on One)

  • Facilitating Training - Me Observing you facilitating (Can be just one time yet it can be more depending on your performance.)

  • Weekly /bi weekly Update call/message

  • Open Communication (Call or message me anytime with questions)

  • Access to Audible Account ( digital library with all the books we promote 100+)

  • Time to Observe me Facilitate

  • Unlimited Online Group Sessions

  • 12 Free Group Sessions

  • Introduced to the Breathwork Courses I have complete

  • Sales and Marketing Training

  • Access to Marketing Material for Breath 24/7 Facilitators


Are you ready to take the next step in your breathwork journey? Find out more and your questions answered with a discovery call. To book your call, WhatsApp Bill on +66 (0) 812 588 218 or Email at



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"Your only ever one breath away from a breakthrough "
Bill Smyth


+66 (0) 812 588 218

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Pai, Thailand


Monday - Friday




Every Sunday




To book a Session you can drop us a Whatsapp message, Book Online or Arrive Ahead of Session

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