Key Details:
Monday - Friday at Good Life Dacha
12:00 pm - 3pm
600 Baht
Respritory Retraining
“Gentle, daily breathing techniques that restore overall respiratory health and positively affects all physical and mental health issues” inspired by the Buteyko Method
No two breaths you ever take are ever the same, every breath you take is unique. Each breath sends a signal to every system in your body that says you are either “stressed or relaxed”. Unfortunately, most people are chronic over breathers who take 20,000 to 25,000 short, shallow, stressed breathes each day. They have conditioned their respiratory system to be in a constant state of stress without realising the damage they are doing to their physical and mental health. This is largely because our parents and the society that raised us didn’t teach us how to breath in patterns that create homeostasis and balance.
Fortunately, humans are the only known species that can “consciously breathe” you can decide if you want to use your nose or your mouth, your belly or your chest and the depth and pace you breathe at. Better yet, the respiratory system is very mailable to change and with a dedicated practice you can reprogramme your body and subconscious mind to breath like a relaxed person 24/7 which guarantees to cure or ease the affects of all respiratory ailments.
During Breath 24/7 Respiratory Retraining Programme we will show you Bill’s Respiratory Retraining “Morning Routine” and breathwork and meditation life hacks that will:
Lower the Heart Rate
Increase Lung Capacity
Increase your C02 Tolerance
Increase your V02 max
Improve overall mental and physical health
Some of the techniques we will demonstrate include:
The Physiological Sign (quickest breath for Instant relaxation)
Heart Coherence (most studied technique in history for creating homeostasis)
Yogic breathing to increase lung capacity and C02 tolerance
BOLT Score (Body Oxygen Level Test to raise CO2 tolerance)
Packing (Increase Lung Capacity)
Stretches that increase lung capacity

Respiratory Retraining Benefits
The breathwork techniques that make up Respiratory Retraining are able to scientifically prove that the respiratory system is mailable to change, and you can reset your resting breathing pattern to be “Low, slow, nasal and diaphragmatic breathing (whilst awake and asleep)” You can also Increase your lung capacity, strengthen your respiratory muscles, increasing your C02 tolerance and your V02 Max.
Positive effects of Respiratory Retraining include:
Overall quality of life drastically improves
Symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress decrease
Concentration and cognition improve
Sexual performance improves (more control and erectile function
Sports performance drastically improves
Increased energy with less fatigue
Less colds, allergies and boosted immune system
Mucus and congestion start too permanently clear
Motivation increase
Enhanced recovery time from physical output
Quality of sleep improves
Improving circulation
Snoring: Can help reduce and eliminate snoring
Lowers blood pressure
Increasing CO2 tolerance
Increase lung capacity
Improve V02 Max (oxygen entering the cells/tissue)
After the Respiratory Retraining Session
We will send you the links to the books, documentaries and tools you need to continue the practice from home and understand the deeper science behind the benefits of breathing like Buddha 24/7.
The pack includes and overview of conscious breathing and techniques you can use for various sports and activity’s.
“If you stick to the pace and rhythm set and for some mysterious reason you do not have an Audible, Visual or Kinetic experience then please do not make payment”