Group Online Session's
Welcome Welcome Welcome,
Welcome to Breath 24/7’s Online Breathwork & Meditation Sessions. On this page you will find everything you need to prepare yourself for your first Group Online Breathwork Session.
For those of you joining “Online” that have already attended a “F2F Breathwork Session” with us in Pai, Thailand you will be pleased to know that during Online Group Sessions we stick to the trialled and tested Breath 24/7 Method used during your F2F Sessions yet Online we offer a more condensed and impactful Session with longer Sets and much longer Visual Journey’s.
For those of your joining us for the first time you are in for a treat. We at Breath 24/7 offer a totally unique and truly bliss filled service within the world of Breathwork and Meditation. One that is highly geared towards delivering the most educational, euphoric and transformative experience possible. Then after the Session, we will supply you with all the tools and information you need to practice from home effectively.
First Time
If it’s your first time joining us, please watch the Breath 24/7 Intro Cartoon or check out the Breathwork Page that will explain What is Breathwork, How Do You Do It and How Does Breathwork Feel - Click Here
Plus, to get the most out of your experience and to practice from home safely and effetely please read the Session Preparation Guidelines before digitally signing our Online Disclaimer and getting your Online Session Booked in.
"Its important to arrive to the Session sober and on a light/empty stomach and to make sure the space you are practicing from is fit for use "
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What Happens in Online Session
The Warmup set is 10 – 15 minutes in duration. During the Warmup we will practice the various techniques we will use during the Session and begin to test your various Sensory Skills (Olfactory, Kinetic, Audible and Visual). We begin gently with light techniques as we practice gratitude or train our Sensory skills to reimagine bliss filled scenes and scenarios. Once the Warm Up is complete we will begin the first of 2-4 Sets of Breathwork. Each Set will include several minutes (3-10 min) of deep conscious breathing followed by a Retention Pose (2-7 minues). During each Retention Pose we will practice a different Meditation Technique or go on a new Visual Journey. Then at the end of the last Set we will go on a long Visual Journey that is heavily guided at the start, yet you will be encouraged to create your own Visual Journey. This way you can tailor and create your very own Mind Movie. One that you can keep returning too and building on with each Session you attend with us or as you practice from home in the future.
Every week we will practice new breathing techniques and go on new Visual Journeys together.
The Visual Journeys Include
-Future Doctors Office
-Healing Fountain
-Futuristic Healing Device
-Awards Ceremony
-Winning the Marathon, World Title, Olympics
-Lucid Dream Training “Magical Forest”
-Under water swimming/flying
-Future Dream Home
-Future Meditation Room
(If you have any ideas for new Visual Journeys, you would like us to create, please do forward your ideas to
DMT & Pineal Gland Activation
It is now scientifically proven that all tested mammals (included You and I) release DMT when they die. So it’s a guarantee that when you die DMT (Dimethyltryptamine), the most power hallucinogen in known existence will be released into your system. Fortunately, we can activate DMT aka The God Molecule by utilising various breathing techniques and its common for people to naturally activate using the Breath 24/7 Method during Sessions.
99 times out of 100 people will see a sequence of visual and audible signals ahead of DMT Activation, like the trailers shown at the cinema before the movie starts. Generally, you will see lightning strikes, a wave of colour, geometric shapes/mandalas, and a vortex/eye/hole. When you active you will then have a totally out of body and full sensory experience. The common trips people enjoy include:
Rebirths – You will go through a warm, mossy smelling tunnel and emerge as a baby
Past Life- You will find yourself living life in an ancient civilisation
Devine Messages and Encounters – You will find yourself in communications with an Entity or The Devine Creator aka God
Heaven or the other (hell) – You will find yourself in your version of heaven in a total bliss state
It's important to know that we do not aim for DMT Activation on day one. It’s our firm belief that you should take things slow and build the foundations needed ahead of taking this life changing journey. Why?
Well if you activate on day one you may associate breathwork with getting incredibly high when we believe you should make it part of your daily practice. Also, in all Sessions we casually break and bend the rules of classical physics on multiple fronts as we affect your Autonomic Systems using the breath. Plus we perform advanced meditation techniques like heart regulations and chi control which technically speaking, in the eyes of most doctors and scientists is scientifically impossible.
Some people’s careers, core identity and sanity is directly linked to making sure the rules set in stone by Darwin and Newton over 200 years ago remain to be true today. Yet the hard truth is, we have learnt more about the universe and human race in the last 20 years then we did in the previous 2000 and its now scientifically proven that we as a species are capable of far more than what Darwin and Newton believed to be true and we are ready and available give you a practical demonstration of this face of life.
So its best to take things slow and build up your confidence and technique during each Group Session and then when you are ready we can get you booked in for a DMT Activation Session.
Natural Activation
If you do naturally activate we would strongly encourage you to step back and take time to digest this incredible experience and begin dedicating yourself to study and creating a daily mediation and personal development practice.
My Story
Personally when I first experienced DMT I had a rebirth. I went through a dark, mossy smelling tunnel and emerged as a baby been held by my father. Then I found myself floating across my version of heaven. Once I came back round to the room I asked for a second hit of the pipe and then I found myself in communication with the Devine Creator aka God. She told me “Knowledge is Power” and from that day on life was never the same. I was the most atheist and analytical person id ever met that was awaking in my hometown surrounded by the most closed-minded and atheist world imaginable. Unsurprisingly my family, friends and business associates shared similar views of the world and universe that I once believed to be true. This led me to finding myself in total isolation from the world around. My friends and family simply were not an option when it came to talking to them about my experience or looking for support so i found myself jumping from one type of therapist or healer for 5 years.
Among other things I started having flash backs and downloads both good and bad. Sometimes these occurrences would take place at inconvenient times , like when I was at work or commuting home whilst stone cold sober. All in all it made me feel like I lost my mind which in a way I did. Plus, the physical side effects at times were quite shocking. On some days id be totally drained of energy and could barely get out of bed. and on others id wake up feeling like someone had just injected me with enough cocaine to get a blue whale high.
I experienced countless breakthrough moments and experienced epigenetic change. I woke up one morning and literally didn’t recognise myself in the mirror. The bags under my eyes had gone and my face seemed to have change shape alongside other body parts that have also permanently changed.
So I give thanks to the Devine Creator that I picked up my first personal development book (The Power of Now) in 2009 and I had some foundations in place that came in the shape of Therapists, Healers, Guides and local Shamans, Breathwork Facilitators and new options like cold exposure. Combined all these options kept me above ground yet it was books and the teaching of great guides and philosophers that kept me above ground and out of jail.
A Breakthrough Moment
On one occasion I woke up in a total bliss state, my mind was completely still and my sense of smell, sight and hearing went through the roof. I thought id broken through and had permanently healed myself after several years of dedicated practice. The sensations I experienced were very similar to those depicted in the early chapters of The Power of Now.
Then a few hours later something totally unexpected happened, my body crashed and it felt like id aged 60 years in an instant. Personally i have tried most recreational drugs, this felt like an ecstasy comedown times 1000. I didn’t connect the dots in those dark moments yet i was experiencing withdrawals from the constant steam of negative chemicals that my anger/fear based thoughts and feelings had been feeding my cells. In the same way a heroin addicts body crashed when cutting off the supply of heroin my body crashed as i cut off the supply of adrenaline and cortisol. I felt physically horrendous and my body drew my mind back into dark places with thoughts of revenge and suicide playing powerfully in my mind. So i give heartfelt thanks to Joe Dispenza and Bruce Liptons ground breaking work on Epigenetics. Their combined work really did save my life as it explained exactly what i was experiencing at these moments.
So if you do activate DMT naturally I strongly suggest you start taking the steps needed to build up your knowledge about how your body and mind truly work by completing The Circuit and experimenting with as many all natural healing modalites as possible and most importantly, please do read the content provided so you know what to expect if you follow this path. Read the After Section for more info – Click here
Session Preparation
Set and Setting
The Set refers to your mind set going into the experience. The Setting refers to the environment that surrounds you in the room or space that you are practicing from. When getting the Setting correct the most important aspect to take into account is how safe, secure and comfortable you are in that environment. Try to ensure that you will not be interrupted during the Session and that you take every precaution necessary to ensure that you feel safe during the experience and will not be open to having any accidents.
Breathwork can create involuntary sounds and movement so be sure not to have any candles burning or open flames in near distance to you as you begin. If you are pushing through for DMT Activation then its best practice to have a Breathwork Buddy watching over you to make sure you feel extra safe and secure.
When you activate your eyes will generally shoot open and your body can contort and make involuntary movements. For an outsider looking it for the first time it may seem a little shocking with many people saying “it looks like you are having a seizure” so ask your Buddy to simply relax and hold your hand as you ride out the wave.
Unsurprisingly we would advise you to practice either sitting or lying down in a safe and familiar environment and under no circumstances should you practice this method whilst driving or in a body of water. There is no need to follow a strict fast ahead of your Online Breathwork Session yet ideally you will attend on a very light or empty stomach.
Why do I need to have a light/empty stomach ?
If your belly is full, then it will restrict your diaphragms freedom of movement and ability to effortlessly perform certain techniques
Your body’s autonomic functions will be focused on breaking down your last meal which unsurprisingly can minimise the sensory experience and healing affects
You could feel sick and vomit during certain exercises. This can be very dangerous if you are not supervised and are experiencing Crab Hands or Gravity Push. With Crab Hands your body can lock out in certain positions and with Gravity Push you will feel heavily weighted down to the ground meaning you will not have freedom of movement and could potentially choke on your own vomit
So please eat light and if at any time you’re feeling sick return to your standard breathing patterns. Also if you have a full belly and are experiencing Crab Hands or Gravity Push as we begin to breath in a pattern where we pump the belly or begin to pump the chest simply skip that exercise and breath in your regular relaxed pattern or create a “Circular Connected Breath aka The Wave”
Please do not attend the Session if you are under the influence of stimulants like cocaine , ecstasy, LSD, alcohol or any form of hallucinogen or amphetamine. The Method is powerful enough without adding this into the mix and you run the risk of having an adverse reaction. Plus if you are high you will come back from the experience saying " i saw flashing light and mandalas yet it was probably the affects of the drugs that caused this" so please be safe and sober when you arrive and experience the true beauty and power of the Method.
Setting an Intention
During standard Breathwork Classes I’ve previously attended there has been a heavy enthasis placed on setting a very clear intention. This is in part because standard breathwork classes are generally geared towards opening up your subconscious and allowing your mind to roam freely. This can lead to trauma release , opening up repressed memory’s both good and bad.
Our Group Sessions and Online Sessions are heavily guided. We will be talking to you every step of the way during our highly interactive Breathwork Sessions which does not allow your subconscious to open up and roam freely. 99 times out of 100 people will follow the guided experiences yet if you want to set a clear intention going into the Session you are more then welcome to do so. It’s generally considered good practice to focus the attention on the thoughts and feelings you would like to have after the session and to write your intention down on a piece of paper that you have on your person.
So ask yourself “ what is the most beautiful and powerful realisation i can have or thought I can imagine”. How would it feel to wake up feeling truly safe, secure and protected. How do I want to feel in a day , a week, a month or a years time from now and breath with that clear intention in mind, knowing that each breath you take gets you one step closer to waking up in perfect physical and mental health.
Furthermore its important to know that I have received no direct training or qualification from any Breathwork Services and im not a scientist, doctor, or qualified medical professional of any variety. I am simply a well read and well-practiced individual sharing my personal story of experimentation and discovery when utilising various all natural healing modalities and Breathwork Techniques. Healing modalities and breathing techniques that helped cure or ease the affects of my various physical ailments and psychological conditions.
I’m not offering medical advice yet simply offering a practical demonstration of the methods affectedness and then sharing the tools and information you need to fully understand the science behind the method so you can practice safely and effectively anytime and anyplace for FREE.
By clicking on this link you are agreeing to the fact you have read and watched the material attached on the Online Session Page, including Session Preparation and The Intro Cartoon.
By clicking on this link you are accepting that I or we at Breath 24/7 take no responsibility for any adverse reactions either physical or psychological that you may experience from practicing Breathwork and that you take full responsibility for your actions.
āIf you are pregnant, have a major heart condition or epilepsy please know that you should proceed with caution and seek medical advice ahead of attending an online Breathwork Session
Bill Breath 24/7
Session Preparation
Breath 24/7 Intro Cartoon
Disclaimer Button Here -Click to Agree (link to booking system)
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